Friday, November 21, 2008

Removing the block...

I'm removing the requirement on moderating comments. One of my main concerns was that as people followed me over from a few other forums, some of the trash talk might follow as well. 

That hasn't been the case, and while I can tell that there are quite a few of you following my writings, you have all been silent. I hope to encourage you to change that.

Should things devolve into the wild west...well, I'll deal with that when the time comes.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to your comments regarding the so called bailout of the "Big Three Automakers" and what the aftermath could be if they were to go bankrupt.

    Regardless of the impact on the global economy, it would be interesting who would buy the assets if one or all of the manufacturers were to dissolve. My guess is it would either be sovereign assets from the Middle East or China and I'm leaning towards the latter.
