Thursday, November 20, 2008

Stand our ground...

"I'll be surprised if we don't see a split in the GOP ranks down the road.

Many traditional conservatives are headed for the Libertarian camp. By many definitions, I'd fall under the classification of a Libertarian Republican if not a Libertarian.

We're seeing a change in definitions, and that is part of the party's identity crisis. Traditional conservative values such as those championed by Goldwater are finding a home in the Libertarian movement. "New" conservatives aren't much different from Democrats; both parties believe that the government is the solution to social issues. They just come at the problems from different sides, and the positions can be equally incoherent and inconsistent from both parties.

While some in the GOP might brush me off as a Libertarian, I submit that those who share my viewpoint are the TRUE base of the Republican Party, and we're mad as hell about the subversion and distortion of an organization that used to fly the banner of individual rights. We can either speak up, or stand by and watch as the tiny but very vocal minority that shamed us in this last election drives our party straight into the ground.

I wonder how many in the current GOP leadership have read "Conscience of a Conservative?

I wonder how many have read "The Revolution: A Manifesto"?

If we hadn't moved away from the values listed in the former, there wouldn't have been a need for Ron Paul to write the latter." (I posted this on craigslist on 11/13/08)

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