Monday, August 24, 2009

One nation, pussified...

I start my day with a dose of the news online. I can't stand CNN or MSNBC, but at least I can see what the other side thinks is important.

From the current front page at

Let me get this straight...

People are freaking out because we THREATENED to hurt the guy who planned the USS Cole attack?

Are we that far pussified as a nation that we fear using force against those who would have us wiped from the map?


You can't reason with terrorists. You can't negotiate with them. They don't care about peace talks, they don't care about rights, they don't care about sanctions, and they won't stop until either they or we are dead. This isn't a difficult equation to solve. They believe they are carrying out the work of their god. The solution is to arrange an in-person meeting.

Terrorists understand only one thing, and that is the application of raw, brutal force. We're freaking out because they THREATENED to hurt this guy? If his discomfort saves the lives of our citizens and soldiers, then bring the pain. Fuck him, and fuck his sick, twisted version of what is a peaceful religion. He can go to hell, and I have no problem with us sending him there.

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