Friday, December 26, 2008

Mandatory reading

A belated Merry Christmas to everyone! I spent Christmas Day at my in-laws' house in central Minnesota, well away from the distraction of on-line access.

For the "kids" in the family, Christmas morning still unfolds much as it would for those decades younger. We wake up to stuffed stockings and presents under the tree. This year, however, my stocking had an unusual stuffer...

Some of you know that to call me an avid reader is a gross understatement. I had given a list of books to my wife to distribute when she was asked for gift ideas for me. Imagine my surprise when my stocking contained not only a book that wasn't on my list, but one that looked very promising for inspiring a few posts here! The tome in question is by Joe Scarborough, and is entitled "Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day". 

This book should be required reading for all young conservatives. It is a behind-the-scenes account of the Republican revolution of 1994, and is quite disheartening at first glance. When you read deeper, however, you realize that Scarborough seems to be writing it so that we may learn from the mistakes of that attempt to massively reform the spend-crazy culture of Washington. 

Note the date and time of this post; I'm done with the book. It's a fast read: conversationally-written, excellently paced, etc. It's difficult to not self-examine while reading about the backdoor power-brokering that overwhelmed the idealistic young Congressmen. If you get your hands on a copy, ask yourself whether you identify with the freshmen Congressmen, or the established leadership. If it's the latter and you're in Congress, we're coming for your job.

1 comment:

  1. I may have to check this one out. I have a long standing parallel that I have drawn between American society and the fall of Rome. That may have nothing to do with the topics on this book, but it had Rome in the name at least.

    On a side note has anyone ever read a book called "The Control Room: Television calls the shots in Presidential Elections"? read it in college and have lost my copy. I may have to find a copy again. I believe it was written after the 96 election
